
Feedback on Marin Sun Farms bulk order


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Please feel free to post feedback, complaints, suggestions for things to differently next time... whatever! Just click Edit and format like this:


Bonnie says: Please remember that grass-feed beef has a different fat profile and cooks not only differently than corn-fed beef, but faster. It also continues cooking well after you take it off the flame, so I often let mine rest when it is still quite pink.


Bonnie says: We had our boneless ribeyes on Saturday. They were excellent steaks in my opinion: flavorful, with a lot of fat for grassfed, and only a few gristly bits. I just broiled them quickly (I need to buy a grill).


Cathy says We also had our bone-in ribeyes on Friday night--grilled them quickly with salt and pepper--and thought they were really tasty. We also grilled our little sample of lamb ribeye, and they were amazing. I would definitely order them next time.


Sharon says We too broiled our bone-in ribeye last night -- about 2 minutes on each side x 4 total flips -- we were nervous about overcooking/undercooking. My spouse thought it remained a bit more on the rare side of medium-rare then ideal for him but I thought the rareness (without rawness) was perfect for my palate! Very tasty and more tender than I'd expected.


Marin Sun Farms SIRLOIN ROAST:


Has anyone else roasted a roast yet?